Are You Operating in the Right Surgical Specialty?

The age-old question, "Am I climbing the wrong ladder?" resonates not only in corporate halls but also in the corridors of hospitals and surgical centers.



Have you ever wondered if you're on the right path in your surgical career? This question isn't just for people in office jobs; surgeons ask it too. After spending years in tough training and working long hours, you might start to think:

  • "I've missed a lot of family time."
  • "Being in a top job hasn’t made me as happy as I thought."
  • "A lot of my colleagues aren’t happy, even though we’re successful."

These feelings show that being successful in surgery might not always mean being happy. It’s important to check if your job really fits what you love and value.

What Matters to You in Surgery?

Throughout your career as a surgeon, you've dedicated immense effort and time to reach your current level of expertise. Yet, there might be moments when you feel something is missing, which could indicate a mismatch between your current specialty and your deeper interests. Reflecting on what aspects of surgery truly resonate with you can lead to significant insights.

Perhaps you began in general surgery but have grown to realize a stronger passion for a more specialized field like pediatric surgery or geriatric care, which offers a different kind of connection and satisfaction.

This passion could stem from the impact you see on a particular patient group or the unique challenges these specialties present.

Identifying what motivates and matters to you most in your practice is crucial. It can reinvigorate your career and lead to greater personal and professional fulfillment.

This alignment of passion and practice not only enhances your own life but also improves the quality of care your patients receive.


Success Isn’t Just About Titles

Achieving a high-ranking position or becoming a specialist in a niche surgical technique can be thrilling and a sign of professional excellence.

However, these achievements often carry with them increased responsibilities and pressures that can distance you from the hands-on patient care that may have drawn you to medicine in the first place.

It's perfectly acceptable to pursue a path that might not lead to the top of the surgical hierarchy but aligns more closely with what makes you happy and fulfilled as a doctor.

Success in surgery doesn't have to be measured only by titles or accolades but also by personal satisfaction and the positive impact you have on your patients’ lives.


Think About Your Choices

As a surgeon, you have the opportunity to explore various aspects of your profession. This might involve shifting your specialty to something that truly excites you or has a profound impact, like moving from cosmetic surgery to trauma surgery, where you can make immediate, life-saving interventions.

Teaching is another rewarding option that allows you to share your knowledge and experience with the next generation of surgeons, shaping the future of medicine while finding a refreshing perspective in your own work.

Alternatively, you might consider a part-time schedule that frees up time for personal pursuits, family, or even volunteering. Balancing professional achievements with personal satisfaction is key; it's about making choices that enhance your overall well-being and happiness.

Each decision you make shapes not just your career path but also the quality of your life outside the hospital walls


Making Changes

Sometimes, we follow a path because it seems right according to others’ standards, like getting a higher position. But it's important to make sure these goals really matter to you. Sometimes, taking a step back or choosing a different way can make your work more enjoyable and meaningful.


Pick the Challenges That Are Right for You

Being a surgeon is naturally tough, but choosing the right challenges can make a big difference. Find what makes you happy at work and in life, and adjust your career to match that. The best path for you is one that makes you feel fulfilled, both as a surgeon and in your personal life.


Ehab Badran

​Your Curious Surgeon 🌟

Read my previous posts and subscribe to my newsletter here​


Here are some recommendations and updates:


👉 Current Projects:

  • Join the Beyond the Scrubs Waitlist ​
    It is a community that helps you enjoy life both in and out of your scrubs, where your job is only part of your story.
  • If you are preparing for MRCS exam, the pilot version of MRCS Masterminds here. To stay updated and receive the latest information, make sure to follow the Facebook page and join Facebook group.
  • Join this Facebook group for all about surgical career in UK​


👉 Guides and Services: I also offer a range of guides and services to support you throughout your medical career and help you achieve a balanced and happy life. Check out here for more information.

Ehab Badran

Curious Surgeon👨‍⚕️| Navigate Your Medical Career with Ease and Joy | Learn Surgery | Live Balanced with My Online Guides ✨

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