Are You Pushing Too Hard? The Law of Reversed Effort

Have you ever heard about the Law of Reversed Effort?

It's a fascinating idea that suggests sometimes, the harder you try, the less you might achieve.

This notion comes from a Zen story where a martial arts student learns that doubling his effort could actually delay his progress.

This concept isn't just theoretical, it's evident in the real-life story of Dr. Barry Marshall, an Australian physician and Nobel Prize winner. ( I wrote this post about him before)

Dr. Marshall was convinced that stomach ulcers were caused by a specific bacteria, which went against the common belief at the time that ulcers were due to stress and diet.

Initially, his aggressive research approach faced skepticism and numerous setbacks. In a bold move, Dr. Marshall drank a solution containing the bacteria to prove his point, and sure enough, he developed symptoms.

This dramatic act eventually shifted the focus of the scientific community and led to further research that supported his findings.

Dr. Marshall's experience teaches us an important lesson about balance. He discovered that a relentless push was not as effective as a more thoughtful, patient approach.

If you're a surgeon or medical professional, this is particularly relevant for you. Constantly pushing to the max isn't just unsustainable; it can lead to burnout and poor results.

Here are some practical ways you can incorporate this balanced approach into your practice:

  1. Scheduled Rest: Make sure you're carving out regular breaks and getting enough rest. Structuring your day to include quality downtime can prevent burnout.
  2. Mindfulness and Reflection: Incorporate mindfulness exercises like meditation or yoga into your routine. They can significantly boost your concentration and mental health. Also, spend some time each week reflecting on what went well and what could be improved.
  3. Continuous but Measured Learning: Take a steady approach to learning new skills. Set realistic goals, attend workshops or courses at a manageable pace, and integrate what you learn gradually into your daily practice.
  4. Peer Collaboration: Engage regularly with your colleagues. Sharing experiences and perspectives can enhance your own approach to your work and provide valuable support.
  5. Patient Feedback: Actively seek feedback from your patients. It can help you understand better what works and what doesn’t, aligning your efforts more closely with patient care goals.
  6. Work-Life Balance: Keep a healthy balance between your professional responsibilities and your personal life. Prioritize time for family, hobbies, or other personal interests to maintain overall well-being.

By adopting a mindset where you balance your effort and allow yourself to breathe and flow in everything you do, you'll not only enhance your performance but also enjoy a more sustainable and fulfilling career.

The key to achieving great heights is not always found in pushing harder but in finding the right balance.


Ehab Badran

​Your Curious Surgeon 🌟

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Here are some recommendations and updates:


👉 Current Projects:

  • Join the Beyond the Scrubs Waitlist ​
    It is a community that helps you enjoy life both in and out of your scrubs, where your job is only part of your story.
  • If you are preparing for MRCS exam, the pilot version of MRCS Masterminds here. To stay updated and receive the latest information, make sure to follow the Facebook page and join Facebook group.
  • Join this Facebook group for all about surgical career in UK​


👉 Guides and Services: I also offer a range of guides and services to support you throughout your medical career and help you achieve a balanced and happy life. Check out here for more information.

Ehab Badran

Curious Surgeon👨‍⚕️| Navigate Your Medical Career with Ease and Joy | Learn Surgery | Live Balanced with My Online Guides ✨

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