Surgeons, How Do You Boost Your Memory?

I have been trying hard to find a way to help memorize things, as it is really needed in our careers as surgeons and doctors. We continuously study and need to regain information effectively.

I have found that Enhancing memory retention can be effectively achieved through mnemonic devices and visualization techniques, with modern apps further aiding these methods, making them more accessible and efficient.

Here is what I found


  1. Mnemonic Devices: Making Complex Information Memorable

Mnemonics transform intricate medical data into easy-to-remember formats. For example, the mnemonic “CRASH & BURN” helps recall the side effects of corticosteroids: Cataracts, Retention of fluids, Acne, Suppressed immune system, Hyperglycemia, Bone thinning, Ulcers, Rupture of tendons, Necrosis of the hip.

Apps to Enhance Mnemonics:

Anki: This flashcard app is perfect for custom mnemonics, using spaced repetition to ensure effective review and retention.

Quizlet: Great for creating mnemonic flashcards, Quizlet allows easy sharing and access across devices, enhancing collaborative learning.


How to Use Mnemonics:

  • Identify complex medical concepts needing memorization.
  • Develop an acronym or phrase, with each element representing key information.
  • Regularly review these mnemonics using the chosen app to reinforce memory.

2. Visualization Techniques: Seeing is Remembering

Visualization creates mental images to remember information, especially effective for sequences like surgical steps.

(I wrote before in detail about Mind mapping here)


Apps to Support Visualization:

MindMeister: This app is ideal for creating mind maps, helping visualize and connect complex surgical information.

SimpleMind: Allows for intuitive mind mapping, useful in visualizing processes and sequences in surgery.


How to Use Visualization:

  • Create detailed mental images for each step of a procedure.
  • Use mind mapping apps to visually organize and connect these images.
  • Form a visual story in your mind to enhance the sequence’s memorability.


Benefits of Mnemonics and Visualization with Apps:

  • Enhanced Memory Retention: These techniques, supported by apps, provide an interactive way to strengthen memory.
  • Quick Recall: This combination enables faster recall of crucial surgical information, vital during surgeries.
  • Flexibility and Accessibility: These apps offer the convenience of practicing and reviewing information anywhere, fitting into a surgeon’s busy schedule.


Adopting these memory aids, supported by technological tools, can significantly improve the way we memorize and recall critical information. Whether for exam preparation or recalling complex surgical procedures, these strategies, enhanced by the right apps, can lead to improved performance and patient outcomes in the field of surgery.


Ehab Badran

​Your Curious Surgeon 🌟

Read my previous posts and subscribe to my newsletter here​


Here are some recommendations and updates:


👉 Current Projects:

  • Join the Beyond the Scrubs Waitlist ​
    It is a community that helps you enjoy life both in and out of your scrubs, where your job is only part of your story.
  • If you are preparing for MRCS exam, the pilot version of MRCS Masterminds here. To stay updated and receive the latest information, make sure to follow the Facebook page and join Facebook group.
  • Join this Facebook group for all about surgical career in UK​


👉 Guides and Services: I also offer a range of guides and services to support you throughout your medical career and help you achieve a balanced and happy life. Check out here for more information.

Ehab Badran

Curious Surgeon👨‍⚕️| Navigate Your Medical Career with Ease and Joy | Learn Surgery | Live Balanced with My Online Guides ✨

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